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  1. 小关

    插件 [8WR] XenCarta 2 (Wiki) PRO Wiki系统

    BRANDING REMOVAL can be purchased HERE ($50) This is a complete rewrite of my light-weight wiki for XenForo. XenCarta is not designed to be a full-fledged wiki, but instead designed to be small and eschew many of the features that contribute to the bloat of more traditional software. Because of...
  2. 小关

    插件 XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration Discord集成

    BRANDING REMOVAL can be purchased HERE ($50) This addon integrates your Discord server with your XenForo forums. It allows you to assign roles on your Discord server based on usergroups in XenForo, as well as post messages directly from XenForo to your Discord server. Demo...