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[MMO] Hide System - 隐藏系统

插件 [MMO] Hide System - 隐藏系统 2.2.6

没有购买权限 (60G)
  • 在编辑器中选择文本并选择隐藏现在会将文本插入到模态框中,而无需再次输入。
  • 添加禁用隐藏对话框的选项。如果隐藏有选项,则默认情况下会将值1插入到编辑器中。
  • 添加新的权限,以忽略标记内容条件,如果组少于某个值。
  • 添加一个设置,不允许您在标记中指定大于作者的值。
  • 最低版本[MMO] Core Lib 2.2.4
Min [MMO] Core Library 2.2.3
Added style settings for the required amount and what the user currently has
Update plural phrases
When using a tag in the resource manager that requires a response from the user, if a thread is created for this resource, it is now supported in the resource manager.
Fixed a bug, if the option to receive reactions from the request, and not from the caching field is enabled, then any reaction was accepted into the like request
Optimizing conditions
Add new traits for more customization: HasReactionTrait and HasReplyTrait.
Attention! If you used the following functions canReplyView and canReactionView in your bb-codes, be sure to connect the corresponding traits.
Add new function checked reaction
Now the option that chooses how to get the affixed reaction from the caching field or by request is applied to the following tags:
Add new function for find hide tags
If the message for the last activity contains a hide tag, then we do not display attachments in the last activity
Fixed a bug that appeared in version 2.2.0 when, after installing the add-on and adding buttons, the editor's cache was not rebuilt. Rebuild was only applied when deleting
Refactoring add-on
Reduntant check
A separate template that does not render hide but sends a message in a quote stating that this is hidden content
与XenForo 2.1.0兼容
该插件仅适用于XenForo 2.1.0
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