User groups allowed to manage user awards can now sort and feature/un-feature any user's awards by clicking on the "Feature" button in the user's profile or postbit
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Cannot call method canManuallyFeatureAwards on a non-object error for posts by guest users
Removed banned/disabled users from the awarded users list
We're happy to bring you version 1.1!
This is a major update that contains a lot of features that have been requested over the past few months. Feel free to leave a review if you enjoy it.
New Main Features:
Levels system: assign points for each award and control how many points are required to level up (supports incremental amounts)
Enable/Disable option
Show levels in postbit and profiles
Progress bar shows points until next level and percentage
Alert users when they reach a new level
Re-designed user awards page: cleaner a better look
Featured awards: Allow users to show/hide and order which awards to feature on the postbit. (max featured amount can be set in AdminCP)
Award category display modes: Visible, Step By Step, Hidden (like Master Badge)
Multi-award support: Allow the same award to be received more than once
Carousel postbit display mode: Show postbit awards in an auto-cycling carousel. This is now the default mode but can be changed through style properties in AdminCP
Master Badge (XF1) Importer: Import your data from the Master Badge XF1 add-on
New Additional Features:
Added admin permissions group: admins will need to be a super admin or have the awards permission group to manage the award system
Hide award count in profile and hover menu if zero
Disable award requests/recommendations globally or individually per award
Disable individual awards from allowing to be featured on postbit
Hide awards from the awards listing page
Other Changes:
Optimized awards listing page: reduced queries
Optimized postbit display: reduced queries
Suppressed trophy alerts when linked to an award (avoiding double alerts)