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DragonByte Credits DB积分

插件 DragonByte Credits DB积分 5.9.0

没有购买权限 (120G)
Update highlights

This version fixes a few minor issues discovered in the previous version, based on reports from our community.

Complete Change Log

The Purchase event description now supports BBCode as intended
Fix: Ensure certain actions can only occur via submitting a form
This version features a major change to the way Thread and Post events work. The most frequent piece of feedback for DB Credits has always been "why do people lose credits when editing posts?" and the answer has always been "because of the 'amount per character' feature".

With this version, I aim to eliminate that confusion. The system will now look at the "Amount per character" / "Amount per word" setting for the Thread and Post events, and not apply any such events if those features are unused.

The end result is that editing a post will no longer add or remove credits unnecessarily.

Furthermore, credits are no longer awarded for automated threads or posts.

In other news, a new feature has been added where users can see their unlocked content (via the "Content" event and the [CHARGE] tags in posts). This new page can be found via the navbar.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Page where users can view their unlocked content
Change: Rework Thread / Post editing to only trigger negation when it's absolutely necessary
更改: 更新了右侧菜单条目的样式,以更好地适应周围的条目
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反馈: kindyear

更改: 更新了右侧菜单条目的样式,以更好地适应周围的条目
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反馈: kindyear
  • 喜欢
反馈: kindyear
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