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  1. Code2Wolf

    语言包 [TH] Attachments Plus附件增强 - 簡/繁中文語言包 1.0.1 Patch Level 4

    是我自己整理的翻譯,總行數50行 基於[TH] Attachments Plus附件增强 1.0.1 PL4 所翻譯的語言包 內含简/繁語言的兩個檔案 安裝方法 1.到您的後台點選Appearance(外觀)->Languages(語言列表)->Import(匯入) 2.勾選Overwrite language(覆蓋語言)->選擇(繁體/简体中文)->import(匯入)
  2. Code2Wolf

    插件 [TH] Attachments Plus附件增强 1.0.1 Patch Level 4

    之前管理員有發布過1.0.0版本 https://www.cnxfans.com/resources/th-attachments-plus.332/ 但是測試後有些問題,標籤沒有出現在選項卡裡,管理頁面也少了檢視附件資料標籤 所以在此做了新版本的發布 1.0.1 PL4 介紹 Attachments Plus 為用戶管理多個主題和附件可能很麻煩。 使用Attachments Plus,您的用戶將能夠轉到一個地方輕鬆查看和管理其所有附件及其位置! 管理員也可以為附件設置新的限制,包括每個帖子的最大數量和文件大小。 管理員功能 ● 限制每個用戶的最大附件數 ●...
  3. 小关

    插件 [TH] Donate 捐赠 1.1.6

    捐赠 支出如此之多,您的组织通常会发现,用捐赠抵销费用是为客人提供持续优质服务和更好体验的好方法。 输入[TH] Donate,一个简单但功能强大的捐赠管理器。同时运行多个广告系列。一个用于您的服务器账单,另一个用于社区一直希望拥有的新软件。 寻找为XenForo 1捐款吗?您可以通过在此处导航找到它。 如果您没有看到我们的最新文章,我们将在UTC截止6月1日晚上11:59之前免费提供XenForo 2.1的ThemeHouse Donate附加组件,使用折扣码DONATE2020。 管理员功能 制作捐赠活动 一次创建和管理多个广告系列...
  4. 小关

    插件 [TH] User Name Change 用户名修改 1.0.1 Patch Level 1

    无论用户是希望将其用户名与另一个帐户进行匹配,更正输入错误还是只是对用户名表示虚荣,用户名更改都使他们可以轻松地在自己的个人资料中更改其用户名,而无需等待或麻烦地进行请求管理员为他们做! 用户功能 更改自己的用户名 显示用户以前的用户名的历史记录 管理员功能 指定要在用户个人资料中显示的用户名更改历史记录的数量 限制用户名更改的频率
  5. 小关

    插件 [TH] User Name Color 用户名颜色 1.0.1

    您的用户是否想要一种在您的论坛上表达更多意见的方式?用户名颜色使用户可以为其用户名设置自定义颜色,或从您添加的预设样式中进行选择。 是否需要确保用户不会使自己不可见?设置不允许的颜色,以确保无论用户选择什么,其名称仍然可见! 用户功能 设置自定义颜色或为其用户名选择预定义样式 管理员功能 为用户名创建自定义样式 设置不允许的颜色
  6. 小关

    插件 [TH] Connected Account Providers 连接的帐户提供商 1.0.0

    记住无数平台和服务的登录信息对您的用户来说是一件麻烦事。为什么不消除他们记住XenForo论坛的另一个登录名的需要? 关联帐户提供商可让您的用户使用各种第三方帐户登录并注册您的论坛。包括Steam,Amazon,Vimeo等! 用户功能 使用他们最喜欢的第三方服务进行注册和登录 管理员功能 管理第三方帐户支持的提供商 启用或禁用强制OAuth注册
  7. 小关

    插件 [TH] Holidays - now with Valentine's Day! 假日插件 2.0.0 Patch Level 1

    Holidays This add-on allows you to show off many different holidays with just a few clicks. Add custom holiday graphics while setting a cron based timer for the holiday to be viewed based on start/stop dates. Create your own holidays with just a few clicks while spreading the holiday cheer! We...
  8. 小关

    UI.X Pro Dark 2.1.6

    UI.X Pro Designed with the ideal approach for your forum to increase community interaction, offer a high-quality user experience, and increase earning potential. UI.X Pro is a combination of our knowledge gained after over a decade of helping customers build thriving communities and methods...
  9. 小关

    主题 #Rekt 2.2.7

    #Rekt #Rekt for XF2 brings the same look and feel as it’s XenForo 1 predecessor designed for gamers.
  10. 小关


    Drift Based off its XenForo 1 successor, Drift brings it's many features back to XenForo 2. From adding your own banner, choosing either a fluid or fixed website design, this theme will still work with any style you choose.
  11. 小关

    Drift Dark 2.1.6

    Drift Dark Based off its XenForo 1 successor, Drift Dark brings it's many features back to XenForo 2. From adding your own banner, choosing either a fluid or fixed website design, this theme will still work with any style you choose.
  12. 小关

    Thankful 感恩 2.1.8

    Thankful What are you thankful for? Thankful is a beautiful theme designed to help you and your community count down to Thanksgiving. The countdown can easily be updated by an administrator, ensuring that this theme stays relevant year after year! To show thanks to our customers; get 50% off...
  13. 死了算了

    插件 [TH] Nodes for grid, custom styling, and custom icons 版面美化 1.1.2

    Nodes Add dimension, quality, and allure to the display of your forum list, and stand out from your competition. [TH] Nodes can help you create a visually engaging forum and improve user experience with visual indicators by allowing you to style nodes, icons, and more. Administrator Features...
  14. 小关

    插件 [TH] User Improvements 用户改进 1.3.0 Patch Level 4

    User Improvements This add-on is being removed and replaced with three separate add-ons. They are free and maybe downloaded from their separate product pages. The three add-ons are: [TH] Connected Accounts [TH] User Name Change [TH] User Name Color You can find these along with other add-ons...
  15. 小关

    插件 [TH] Members' Local Time 会员的本地时间 1.0.0

    Members' Local Time Display your members’ local time on their profile, member tooltip, and posts. Do you want to further enhance your forum? Here are some of the ways we can help!
  16. 小关

    插件 [TH] Featured Threads and Content Portal 特色主题和内容门户 1.0.10 Patch Level 1

    Featured Threads and Content Draw attention and maintain engagement with featured threads. Spotlighting your favorite and valuable threads gives your community an easy way to see some of the best information on your site. Create a page displaying featured threads and make a widget too...
  17. 小关

    插件 [TH] Notices Plus 1.0.0

    Notices Plus Turn your notices into overlays with an “overlay” display location and share information differently using phrases and templates in notices. Features Add the new display location “overlay” for notices Use phrases and templates in your notice bodies Do you want to further...
  18. 小关

    插件 [TH] Banned User Conversation Access 禁止用户对话访问 1.0.0

    Banned User Conversation Access Allow banned users to access the conversations area of the site. Whether or not a user can send/receive conversations is still controlled by their normal user permissions. Do you want to further enhance your forum? Here are some of the ways we can help!
  19. 小关

    插件 [TH] Activation Reminder & User Purger 激活提醒和用户清除程序 2.0.0

    Activation Reminder & User Purger For larger forums, managing membership can be a daunting task. With Activation Reminder, automatically send an email to users who have registered but never activated their account after a set number of days. If they still don’t activate their account, utilize...
  20. 小关

    插件 [TH] Content Creation Limits 内容创建限制 1.0.0

    Content Creation Limits Controlling the frequency of posts and other content is a crucial part of ensuring good performance, reducing spam, and minimizing duplicate posts. With these granular frequency controls, you can set forum-specific frequency settings over specific periods of time, as well...
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